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Transformations in Aims and Motion class change

(this doc is also in the C++ API documentation of the Transformation3d class)

WARNING: Affine 3D transformations have changed in AIMS 4.0: the old Motion class of Aims 3.x, has been renamed and

A new transformation classes tree has been setup to allow non-linear
transformations: see Transformation and Transformation3d classes.
AffineTransformation3d now inherits Transformation3d.

A typedef is still provided for backward compatibility, in
aims/resampling/motion.h (the former location of the Motion class) and should
minimize inconvenience when compiling old code which used Motion. However a few
API differences may cause compilation problems:

  • forward declatations for the Motion class will not work any longer, since
    Motion is not a class anymore but a typedef. It is still possible to replace:
    class Motion;

    namespace aims { class AffineTransformation3d; }
    typedef aims::AffineTransformation3d Motion;

    but of course it is better to use directly the AffineTransformation3d class
    under its real name.
  • the Motion::transform_normal() method is now transformUnitNormal()
  • there are now several overloaded transform() methods taking double, or float
    numbers, or Point3df or Point3dd arguments. As there were formerly only float
    and Point3df arguments, ambiguities may raise from calling them with mixed
    double/float arguments
  • the base aims::Transformation class introduces a name ambiguity with
    anatomist anatomist::Transformation class, so it now requires to handle
    namespaces carefully.
  • the Motion DataTypeCode has also changed to AffineTransformation3d.

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