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Creating branches

The script in development/brainvisa_svn project enables to do that easily :

Usage: bv_create_branch branch_type projects [options]

Example: Creating 4.4 branches for core projects

bv_create_branch bug_fix aims anatomist-* axon brainvisa-share documentation soma-base soma-qtgui soma-io

The option -s (simulation) enables to print the commands rather than execute them in order to check if they are correct.

This command will also update the project_info.cmake files setting version 4.4 in the new bug_fix branch and incrementing the version of the trunk branch.

After the creation of the branch, brainvisa-cmake projets list must be updated to enable getting the new branch using bv_maker. See the paragraph Updating brainvisa-cmake projects list.

Creating tags

The same script can be used to create tags, that is to say a copy of the last bug_fix branch in project/tags/X.Y.Z.
It is useful to create a tag when a new release of a project is created to keep a trace of the sources in the state they are in the release.

Example: Creating 4.4.0 tag of 4.4 branch

bv_create_branch  release aims anatomist-* axon brainvisa-share documentation soma-base soma-qtgui soma-io

The option -s (simulation) enables to print the commands rather than execute them in order to check if they are correct.

The project_info.cmake files will be updated.

After the creation of the tag, brainvisa-cmake projets list must be updated to enable getting the new branch using bv_maker. See the paragraph Updating brainvisa-cmake projects list.

Updating brainvisa-cmake projects list

<font color="red">*Be careful*</font>: The new branch will not be taken into account automatically by bv_maker. It is necessary to update it using the script bv_update_projets_list. This script parses the repository to update information about the projects, components and their branches and tags. The script can also be used to parse and update information for a subset of projects and components using the options -p (project) and -c (components).


# update information for all the components of soma project
bv_update_projects_list -p soma

# update information for soma-workflow and soma-pipeline components
bv_update_projects_list -p soma -c soma-workflow -c soma-pipeline

# update information for axon and anatomist projects
bv_update_projects_list -p axon -p anatomist

The script does not commit modifications of brainvisa-cmake automatically. The modifications are done in a temporary directory and a message at the end of the script execution indicates if some changes need to be committed and if so, the corresponding commands are displayed.

After the update of bv_maker, you will have to update the sources and configure the build directory to get the new bv_maker. And then you will be able to get the new branch or tag with bv_maker sources.

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