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Editing Python with Eclipse and Pydev

Pydev is a plugin for eclipse IDE and offers practical features for editing Python code : code completion, inline documentation, navigation...

First you have to install Eclipse. There's an Ubuntu package : apt-get install eclipse.

And then install Pydev.
Web site of Pydev : and the manual :

I tried it, it seems quite practical.
However, to benefit from the code completion features even for your python modules, it is necessary to create projects. If you do not, you will have code completion and so on only for the modules of your python installation.

A project can be created from existing sources but you have to unselect the default option that creates a src directory in the project directory. Then you have to add one or several sources directories to the project.

For brainvisa repository, I created the following projects : axon, brainrat-gpl, fmri-gpl, pyaims, pyaimsalgo, pyaimsgui, pyanatomist, soma-base and soma-qtgui and a global project that have no sources but references all these projects.

Plugin for subversion

There is also a plugin for Subversion : Subclispe
When the plugin is installed, it is possible to associate a pydev project to the svn repository using right-click menu -> Team -> Share project
The main svn commands are now available through the IDE.

Plugin for C/C++

Plugin for XML (and DOCBOOK)

Also available in: PDF HTML TXT