brainvisa-development development Wiki

This Wiki contains various documents that are useful for developers during development of the project. Most of these documents are drafts.

Development environment

- BrainVISA dependencies
- BrainVISA dependencies crossbuild


The brainvisa-cmake documentation has been transferred to the more accessible brainvisa website:

- Tutorial for compilation on MacOS Lion (french)
- Tutorial for compilation on MacOS 10.8 MountainLion (french)
- Notes for building on Ubuntu 14.04
- Notes for building on Ubuntu 16.04
- Notes for building on Ubuntu 16.10


How to develop in this repository ?
Creating branches and tags
Perforce -> Subversion


- How to create Brainvisa packages

Qt3 -> Qt4

PyQt4 / PySide differences

Development tools

Python tools

- Editing Python with Eclipse and Pydev
- Python profiling
- Python debugging


- Debugging


- VirtualGL run

I²BM Courses

- How to setup courses laptop