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How to setup Windows build environment

BrainVISA and Anatomist compilation currently uses MSYS and MINGW to build on windows OS. As many dependencies are required to build these tools, we created a BrainVISA development environment installer (bv_devinstaller).
This tool is developped using the Python language so it needs the python language to be installed.


1) Install Python 2.5 on Windows

To install Python 2.5 on Windows, you must do the following steps :
- Download python for Windows to a temporary directory from url:
- Install python to 'c:\Python25' by double-clicking the .msi file.

2) Install Python 2.5 windows extensions

To install Python 2.5 windows extension, you must do the following steps :
- Download pywin32 extensions for Windows to a temporary directory from url:

3) Get an up-to-date working copy of bv_devenv.

bv_devenv is part of the brainvisa-system project.

For Windows:

In progress ...

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