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Notes for building on Ubuntu 1610

sip 4.18 produces segfaults

Compiling pyhton bindings using sip 4.18 will result in segfaults (probably memory corruptions) at random places when using pyaims or pyanatomist.
This is due to a bug in sip which has been fixed in 4.19 (or 4.18.3 if I remember).
See ticket #15025 for details.

In the meantime, it is necessary to use sip 4.17 or earlier, or to use 4.19 or newer.
As sip 4.17 is not available on Ubuntu 16.10, you will have to recompile it.
And, of course, PyQt will also have to be recompiled.
  • For Qt5, The latest PyQt5 5.7 is not compatible with sip 4.17, you have to use PyQt 5.5
  • for Qt4, PyQt 4.11 is OK.

If you use python2, python3, Qt4 and Qt5, there are 2 SIP modules (py2 and py3) and all 4 combinations of PyQt to build and install.

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